
Artist's Statement

I observe what I see from the outside and inside of myself in order to synthesize elements of time and eternity into a vision that at times expresses ambiguity, and other times, concrete form. There is a place that I call the “borderland,” that exists between the conscious and the unconscious. This is the land where potentials arrive from the heights and the depths to be transformed into actuals.

The interplay of these events embodies a creative force that can be used for destruction or construction and combination of both that is not easy to define, but is a product of growth and transformation. The borderland is where the soul sits, from this vantage point there is a universal language that can bridge the illusionary gap between areas like art/science, chaos/solution, and human/divine. My paintings are an expression of spirit connecting forces synchronized with time, all branching back into the Father. I refer to my paintings as Spiritual Weapons of Mass Construction.

About Eric

Eric Anthony Hinds was born in New Mexico, growing up outside of Santa Fe in the high desert. Coming from a lineage of doctors it is easy to see where his inquisitive nature began. 

Due to his parent’s great appreciation of local and International art, Hinds developed a powerful interest in the creative process at an early age. Eric’s godparents are highly respected master artisans of Native American pottery from the San Ildefonso Pueblo. He was six months old when a naming ceremony was held in his honor, giving him the name Tse Pen [Eagle Mountain]. The significance of such actions and growing of age in such a spiritually rich landscape left deep roots within Hinds. The effect of the vast pueblos of New Mexico and the significant art that its inhabitants created is, to this day, an intrinsic part of the history of this great artist.

On the journey towards manhood Hinds spent many days questioning the nature of his home. With a direct view of Los Alamos he felt a great sense of wonder. His wild imagination envisioned the past, Indians and western settlers, an ancient wildness. While surrounded with the beauty of the land and a cultural history as rich as they come, he could feel the faint rumble of nuclear warheads being ignited underground just across the valley. This testing of such powerful tools of destruction opposed the whole nature of the region. This potent and tragic dichotomy would soon become the driving force in a new and passionate expression for Hinds.

Visionary Artist

A rebellious attitude landed Hinds in a Boarding School located in Downtown Denver, Colorado. Feeling the confides of a strange city and heightened discipline Eric sought refuge through painting. In an attempt to regain the peace of the desert and the spirit he was accustomed to feeling from the land, his hands and mind began to create. Bold colors and sweeping landscapes began to form. His journey as an artist had started. There was a calling, a feeling of home that he had never experienced before. Reflecting back on these times Hinds says, “It’s as if I woke up across the border of my nearsightedness and gained citizenship in the eternal adventure.” 

After a brief time at the University of Montana, Hinds transferred to the revered Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design (RMCAD) in Denver, Colorado. Under the direction of painting chair Clark Richert, Hinds further refined his skills. Hinds has been inspired by the masterful techniques of renaissance painters as well as surrealism and contemporary masters. He won various awards including Best of Department in the 2002 Annual Student Exhibition at RMCAD. Utilizing old masters’ glazing techniques Hinds achieves a quality to his paintings that are unmatched in many prevailing works. The images he creates transcend cultural boundaries and limitations. His magnificent works are enlightening and bold, in opposition with his childhood memories of nuclear testing. Hinds refers to his paintings as Spiritual Weapons of Mass Construction. 

Hinds has exhibited his work in the USA and abroad and since 2007 has received numerous international awards for his contribution to Art as well as Human Rights. This year 2017, he has been nominated by ACCADEMIA “ITALIA IN ARTE NEL MONDO” ASSOCIAZIONE at www.italiainartenelmondo.it to receive the award titled “THE RIACE WARRIORS” subtitled (“ THE OLD AND THE YOUNG” ) “ as well as an international award for Human Rights : “VICTOR HUGO” Award. Hinds refers to his paintings as “Spiritual Weapons of Mass Construction.” “Expressions in my paintings are manifested in order to elevate, transform and transfigure the human mind. In my methods I am concerned with turning potentialities into actualities”. Hinds is a strong proponent of Freedom through the vehicle of art. "Freedom for humanity from oppression and hypocrisy is essential for there to be world peace and true creativity.


Exhibitions and Honors

- 2024 - Oscar Award for Creativity June 19. The awards ceremony took place at the Palazzo Butera in the beautiful city of Bagheria, birthplace of the famous and now historic artist Renato Guttuso and of Giuseppe Tornatore, international film director. The Oscar Award for Creativity is reserved for artists of the highest level who have distinguished themselves in the world, through originality and quality, as well as their presence in the most prestigious events in which you have already taken part. Award given by the Costanza Foundation in Italy. https://www.fondazionecostanza.net 

- 2024 - Art Exposition and Fasion Show at the Moncada Palace Museum Caltanissetta Italy May 8th 2024 through June 2024. Event put on by Alessandro Costanza, President of the Costanza Foundation.

- 2023 - Co-producer and participating artist in The colors of Summer Art and Fasion Gran Gala’ Della Moda August 19 2023 in Carini Italy at the Villa Buffa. Event put on by the Costanza Foundation

- 2023 - World Best Artists Prize 2023. Wednesday June 21 June at the Plazzo De Fatto in Palermo Italy. Prize given by the Costanza Foundation.

- 2023 - INTERNATIONAL CAREER AWARDS Talents and professionals 2023. Saturday 11 March at the Grand Hotel et Des Palmes in Palermo Italy. Award given by the Costanza Foundation. 


Set in the Ancient Great Greek World between Art, Myth and Legend in December at the POLITEAMA GRECO Theater at the Foyer of the Politeama Greco of Lecce.

Given by Association Italia In Arte Nel Mondo.

- 2022 - "GOETHE" 2022 "High Recognition for Human Rights and Civil Rights given by Italia in art Nel Mondo

It is for all the above, in full harmony with the principles that govern the World of Visual Arts, that the the Honor Committee in the person of the Honorary President Dr. Michele Miulli, intends 

Honorificentiam artium meritis

To the Maestro 


The High Recognition will be delivered by the following authorities: President of the Honorary Committee Michele Miulli (Officer in the Carabinieri, for 30 years engaged in the Protection of the Artistic Cultural Heritage), Honorary President of the Commission for Literature and Social Commitment Laura Guercio (Lawyer and Professor at the University of Perugia), Honorary President of the Event Nicola Giampaolo (Postulator accredited to the Holy See), Roberto Chiavarini (Artistic Director). Civil, Religious and Military Authorities will be present, as well as personalities from the world of Culture, art, science and Social Commitment.

Personal message

“The Accademia Italia in Arte nel Mondo Cultural Association appreciates your Artwork by which you have been able to interpret, with wisdom, your contemporaneity (beyond the adopted  expressive grammar, apart from the technical and intellectual methods or  means  adopted )-  a condition, this one,  that highlights a distinct interpretative ability and that leads the art world to take an interest in your compositional commitment".

- 2022- Charter for Compassion - Global Gala Nov 12 2022

- 2022 - Music is the Answer Universal Language solo exhibition at Temple Denver

- 2021 - “SOCRATE" 2021 “ Award and High Recognition for Human Rights Award given by Italia In Art Nel Mondo


The messenger of the Gods.

December 18th, 2021 at 7.00 pm, at the Grand Hotel Tiziano and Congresses at the “Bernini” Hall.

The High Recognition will be delivered by the following authorities: President of the Honorary Committee Michele Miulli (Officer in the Carabinieri, for 30 years engaged in the Protection of the Artistic Cultural Heritage), Honorary President of the Commission for Literature and Social Commitment Laura Guercio (Lawyer and Professor at the University of Perugia), Honorary President of the Event Nicola Giampaolo (Postulator accredited to the Holy See), Roberto Chiavarini (Artistic Director). 

Civil, Religious and Military Authorities will be present, as well as personalities from the world of Culture, Art, Science and Social Commitment.

Personal message

“The Honorary Committee of the Cultural Association  “Accademia Italia in Arte nel Mondo” - upon consultation  of the Experts of the Artistic Direction - in recognizing the validity of the Honoree's prolific Work, enhanced by his artistic grammar, awards  the Maestro (Eric Anthony Hinds ) the Honorary Title of “NUNTIUS ARTIS”

Since, with the peculiar "Philosophical Message" conveyed  in his Works, he re-proposes the theme of Knowledge, which affects the sphere of heart and mind: distinctive Cultural Heritage of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome and foundation of the Philosophy of Magna Graecia, in those lands bathed by the Mediterranean, cradle of Civilization and seat of the Cultural Association “Accademia Italia in Arte nel Mondo”. And this is demonstrated by the Honoree’s undoubted ability to reveal through his Work, the virtues that give meaning to Man’s existence and allow you to live in fullness the joys of invention and compositional genius”.

- 2021 - David of Michelangelo Award in conjunction with the Biennale D’ Arte “IL Rinascimento. In the same event Hinds also received the high recognition conferred upon artists for the celebration around the world for the 700th Anniversary of the great Florentine master Dante Alighieri. The event was held on July 10 2021 at the Grand Hotel Tiziano E Dei Congressi“Bernini” - Lecce

- 2020 - Perseo Award/Prize to celebrate the 520th Anniversary of the birth of the Famous Florentine Master, Benvenuto Cellini - at The Grand Hotel President in - Lecce Italy from the cultural association Italia In Arte Nel Mondo.

- 2020 - Perseo Award/Prize to celebrate the 520th Anniversary of the birth of the Famous Florentine Master, Benvenuto Cellini - at The Grand Hotel President in - Lecce Italy from the cultural association Italia In Arte Nel Mondo.

- 2020 - Rita Levi Montalcini - Human Rights Award/Prize at the Grand Hotel President from the cultural Association Italia In Arte Nel Mondo

- 2019 - Mona Lisa Award/Prize at the Apollo Theater in - Apollo Theater in - Lecce Italy from the cultural association Italia In Arte Nel Mondo.

- 2019 - Leo Tolstoy- Human Rights Award/Prize at the Apollo Theater in - Lecce Italy from the cultural association Italia In Arte Nel Mondo.

- 2018 -  Pablo Picasso Award/ Prize at the Apollo Theater in - Lecce Italy from the cultural association Italia In Arte Nel Mondo

- 2018 - Francios Marie Arouet Voltaire Human Rights Award/Prize - Lecce Italy from the cultural association Italia In Arte Nel Mondo

- 2017 - Guerrieri Di Riace Award / Prize at Teatro “G.Paisiello” in - Lecce Italy

from the cultural Association "Italia in Arte Nel Mondo” in Brindisi Italy

- 2016 - Beato Angelico Award / Prize at the Teatro "G.Paisiello” in - Lecce Italy
from the cultural Association "Italia in Arte Nel Mondo” in Brindisi Italy

- 2015 - David of Bernini Award / Prize at the Teatro "G.Paisiello” in - Lecce Italy
from the cultural Association "Italia in Arte Nel Mondo” in Brindisi Italy

- 2015 - Peter Paul Rubins Award /Prize in - Lecce Italy
from the cultural Association "Italia in Arte Nel Mondo“ in Brindisi Italy Grand Hotel Tiziano in Lecce,

- 2014 - Raffaello Sanzio Award / Prize at the Teatro "G.Paisiello” in - Lecce Italy
from the cultural Association "Italia in Arte Nel Mondo” in Brindisi Italy

- 2012 - Netunno Award / Prize at the Teatro “G.Paisiello” in - Lecce Itlay
from the cultural Association "Italia in Arte Nel Mondo” in Brindisi Italy

- 2011 - Vincent Van Gogh Award / Prize from the cultural Association "Italia in Arte Nel Mondo” in Brindisi Italy Grand Hotel Tiziano in Lecce,

- 2010 David of Michelangelo Award /Prize at the Teatro “G.Paisiello" in - Lecce Italy
from the Cultural Association ” Italia in Arte Nel Mondo” in Brindisi Italy

- 2009 - “Berlin Germany Exhibition”, Argentine Embassy, Berlin Germany celebrating the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall 1989/2009

- 2009 - Leonardo da Vinci International Art Award and Exhibition – celebrating the study of IL vero volto di Leonardo da Vinci (“The Leonardo da Vinci’s true face”). At the Teatro “G.Paisiello" in - Lecce Italy from the Cultural Association ” Italia in Arte Nel Mondo” in Brindisi Italy

- 2009 - “Denver Seminary Exhibition”, Denver Colorado, USA

- 2008 - Michelangelo Buonarroti Award and Exhibition at the Teatro "G.Paisiello" - LECCE
from Cultural Association “Italia in Arte” in Brindisi Italy, celebrating the 500th anniversary of the stating of the Cisten Chaple. 1508/2008

- 2008 - “Ferrara Collective Exhibition” Art Domain Gallery, Leipzig, Germany

- 2007 - “Visiting Artists Exhibition,” Winter Park, Colorado, USA

- 2007 - “Solitary Messenger”, Galleria Icosahedron, New York, New York, USA

- 2007 - “Rooms of The Memory”, Castle Svevo, Bari Provence, Italy

- 2007 - “Fourth “II De Nittis Biennale,” Barletta, Italy

- 2007 - “Four Nations, One Spirit,” Habitat Gallery in Denver, Colorado, USA

- 2006 - “Magic Paths of Art,” Estense Castle curated by Paola Trevisan, Ferrara, Italy

- 2006 - “Studio Exhibition”, Denver, Colorado, USA

- 2005 - “International Biennale of Contemporary Art,” Florence, Italy


- Painting Permanently On Display At The (Svevo Castle) Trani Castle Museum, Trani Italy In The Provence Of Bari.


- 2017 - I Guerrieri Di Riace Award / Exhibition At Teatro “G.Paisiello” In - Lecce Italy. From The Cultural Association "Italia In Arte Nel Mondo” In Brindisi Italy

- 2017 - Victor Hugo Human Rights Award/Prize From The Cultural Association "Italia In Arte Nel Mondo” In Brindinsi Italy At The Teatro “G.Paisiello” In - LECCE Itlay “ The Honor Committee Gives Master Eric Anthony Hinds The Title Of “ Ambassador Of Culture In The World For Human Rights."

- 2016 - Beato Angelico Award Exhibition At The Teatro "G.Paisiello” In - Lecce Italy From The Cultural Association "Italia In Arte Nel Mondo” In Brindisi Italy

- 2016 - Paolo VI Human Rights Award/Prize From The Cultural Association "Italia In Arte Nel Mondo” In Brindinsi Italy At The Teatro “G.Paisiello” In - LECCE Itlay “ The Honor Committee Gives Master Eric Anthony Hinds The Title Of “ Ambassador Of Culture In The World For Human Rights."

- 2015 - David Of Bernini Award Exhibition At The Teatro "G.Paisiello” In - Lecce Italy From The Cultural Association "Italia In Arte" In Brindisi Italy

- 2015 - Anne Frank Human Rights Award/Prize From The Cultural Association "Italia In Arte Nel Mondo” In Brindinsi Italy At The Teatro “G.Paisiello” In - LECCE Itlay “ The Honor Committee Gives Master Eric Anthony Hinds The Title Of “ Ambassador Of Culture In The World For Human Rights."

- 2015 - Peter Paul Rubins Award/Prize From The Cultural Association "Italia In Arte" In Brindisi Italy “Offers A Very High Level Praise For Your Daily Commitment In The Business Of Providing An Important Contribution Of Writing Another Page Of The International Contemporary Art History.” At Grand Hotel Tiziano In Lecce,

- 2014 - Raffaello Sanzio Award/Prize From The Cultural Association "Italia In Arte" In Brindisi Italy At The Teatro “G.Paisiello” In - LECCE Itlay Award Given For, “Praise To You Master Eric Anthony Hinds For Your Personal Theory, Anthropological And Linguistic Research, As Applied To The New Concept Of Contemporary Art, Which Has Enabled You To Overcome The Conditionings Academic And Social, Identifying So, New Compositional Models And At The Same Time, Alternative, Which Enhance Your Creativity. From The Cultural Association “Italia In Arte Nel Mondo”

- 2014 - Nelson Mandela Human Rights Award/Prize From The Cultural Association "Italia In Arte" In Brindinsi Italy At The Teatro “G.Paisiello” In - LECCE Italy “ The Honor Committee Gives Master Eric Anthony Hinds The Title Of “ Ambassador Of Culture In The World For Human Rights." From The Cultural Association “Italia In Arte Nel Mondo”

- 2014 - Salvo D’ Acquisto Award For Ideal Tribute To The Vice - Sargent Salvo D’ Acquisto Celebrating 200th Anniversary Of The Founding Of The Carabinieri From The Cultural Association "Italia In Arte Nel Mondo” " In Brindinsi Italy At The Grand Hotel Tiziano In Lecce,

- 2012 - Nettuno Award/Prize From The Cultural Association "Italia In Arte" In Brindisi Italy, 15 Dicembre 2012 - Teatro "G.Paisiello" - LECCE From The Cultural Association “Italia In Arte Nel Mondo”

- 2012 - Spartacus - Human Rights Award/Prize For Freedom “ Spartacus Is The Emblem Of The Idealistic Hero, Capable Of The Titanic Struggle, In The Name Of Freedom.” 15 Dicembre Teatro "G.Paisiello" - LECCE From The Cultural Association “Italia In Arte Nel Mondo”

- 2011 - Vincent Van Gogh Award From The Cultural Association "Italia In Arte" In Brindisi Italy Dedicated To The "Salento Porta D’Oriente 2011”.Grand Hotel Tiziano In Lecce,

- 2011 - “Special Award For Human Rights' General Giuseppe Garibaldi "On The Occasion Of 150 Years Of The Unification Of Italy, Events Organized By The Cultural Assocalia Italia In Arte”. Grand Hotel Tiziano In Lecce,

- 2010 - David Of Michelangelo Award/Prize From The Cultural Association ” Italia In Arte ” In Brindisi In Collaboration With The Dipartimento Di Scienza Dei Materiali Universita Del Salento December 10 2010 In -Lecce Italy “For The Incomparable Message Contained In Your Art Work Which Is The Fruit Of Your Own Exclusive Intellectual Commitment.” This Award Is Bestowed As A High Recognition To Personalities In The World Of Art, Science And Culture On The 510th Anniversary Of The Realization Of The Famous Sculpture “David” Michelangelo Buonarroti, The Most Well Known Sculpture In The World. Teatro "G.Paisiello" - LECCE Http://Www.Italiainarte.It/Nuovo/Eventi_david.Php

- 2010 - “Salvo D’ Acquisto 2010 Human Rights Special Award From The Cultural Association ” Italia In Arte Nel Mondo ” In Brindisi In Collaboration With The Dipartimento Di Scienza Dei Materiali Universita Del Salento December 10 2010 At Teatro "G.Paisiello" - LECCE -Lecce Italy ” " For The Competence With Which You Express The Most Spacious Thought Of Freedom Through Your Art Work.”

- 2009 - Leonardo Da Vinci International Art Award/Prize –International Art Award/Prize – Celebrating The Study Of IL Vero Volto Di Leonardo Da Vinci (“The Leonardo Da Vinci’s True Face”). Award Given By Associazione Culturale Italia In Arte Nel Mondo, Brindisi, Italy In Collaboration With The Dipartimento Di Scienza Dei Materiali Universita Del Salento. December 10 Teatro "G.Paisiello" - LECCE

- 2009 - Martin Luther King Jr – Human Rights Award/Prize – In Honor Of Martin Luther King And The Commemoration Of The Sixth Decade Of Human Rights Charter, Signed In New York 1948. Award Given By Associazione Culturale Italia In Arte Nel Mondo , Brindisi, Italy In Collaboration With The Dipartimento Di Scienza Dei Materiali Universita Del Salento December 10, 2009 At Teatro "G.Paisiello"

- 2009 - Eric Anthony Hinds Received A Diploma Di Merito And Victory Medal From Galleria D ‘ Arte Moderna “Alba” And – Ferrara Italy.

- 2008 - Michelangelo Buonarroti Award 2008 From The Cultural Association “Italia In Arte” In Brindisi Italy, In Commemoration With The 500th Anniversary Of The Start Of The Vault Ceiling 1508/1512 Of The Sistine Chapel In Rome. Award Given By Italia In Arte Nel Mondo

- 2008 - Human Rights Award From The Cultural Association ” Italia In Arte ” In Brindisi Italy In Collaboration With The Dipartimento Di Scienza Dei Materiali Universita Del Salento December 2008 At The Teatro "G.Paisiello" - LECCE In Commemoration With The 60th Anniversary Of The Signing Of The Human Rights Documents Signed In 1948. This Award Signifies The Development And Achievement Of Freedom And And The Rights Of Men And Women From Around The World. Italiainarte.It

- 2008 - Eric Anthony Hinds Received A Diploma Di Merito And Victory Medal From Galleria D ‘ Arte Moderna “Alba” And – Ferrara Italy.

- 2008 - Was Given The Official Unsolicited Nationwide Honorary Title Of “PROFESSOR ERIC ANTHONY HINDS”, Associated Academician Of Verbano In The Arts

In 2008, This Honor Was Given By The ACCADEMIA INTERNAZIONALE < greci="" –="" marino="">> DEL VERBANO DI LETTERE, ARTI, SCIENZE , In Vinzaglio, Italy.


- 2008 - Edition Of The International Encyclopaedic Dictionary Of Modern And Contemporary Art, Ferrara, Italy

- 2009 - Edition Of The International Encyclopaedic Dictionary Of Modern And Contemporary Art, Ferrara, Italy